Misconduct includes:
- Breach of any of the security arrangements for the Victoria Police Entrance Examination.
- Impersonation.
- Attempting to copy or memorise all or part of the exam, or to take any notes, from the exam room.
- Failure to follow exam supervisors' instructions at all times.
- Giving or receiving assistance during the exam.
- Creating a disturbance.
- Using prohibited aids (e.g. notes, note paper, calculator, mobile phone, audio/recording device etc).
- Writing in or marking your essay booklet during reading time, or working after the instruction is given to stop.
- Copying another candidate’s work.
- Using the exam questions, their content or information about them for purposes other than your sitting of the exam.
This includes publishing the examination questions or any of their content or information about them on the internet, in any digital format or otherwise; and/or passing the Victoria Police Entrance Examination questions, or any of their content or information about them to third parties. - The giving of false or misleading information; infringement of copyright.
This includes performing those acts which only the copyright holders may do or authorising or allowing a person on the candidate’s behalf to infringe Victoria Police's or ACER’s copyright material.
PENALTIES for misconduct include withholding of your Victoria Police Entrance Examination results or disqualification from sitting the exam in the future. YOU ARE PUT ON NOTICE that there is NO APPEAL from any penalty applied.